Motorcycle Crash Statistics

According to Texas motorcycle accident statistics, there are an alarming number of fatalities and serious injuries each year, as well as legal ramifications.

Many individuals enjoy riding motorcycles because they are entertaining two-wheeled vehicles. Even though it is entertaining to drive, it has a high accident rate. Motorcycle riders occasionally get minor injuries, although this is quite rare.

Accidents involving bicycles may involve one other rider, trucks, or cars. It is critical to assess the available information to determine the guilty person to be held accountable. A Texas motorcycle accident attorney might be beneficial in these situations. Attorneys with experience willing to listen and assist accident victims are available at the Shrum Law Firm.

How Frequently Texas Motorcycle Accidents Occur?

Texas has long, hot summers and wide-open roads, making it a great place to ride a motorcycle. However, it also makes it the only location where motorcycle accidents and fatalities are more common. Texas is one of the states with the highest fatality rates in the US, ranking among the top three. According to statistics, there were around 68,877 motorbike crashes from 2018 to 2022.

Although motorcycle accidents involving only one rider are not particularly dangerous, other drivers pose the most significant danger to riders’ lives. On remote routes, motorcycle accidents are most often fatal. The top three counties for motor vehicle accidents involving motorcycles between 2020 and 2022 were Harris, Dallas, and Bexar.

Including single- and multiple-vehicle accidents caused by drunk driving, Texas recorded 5,438 bike accidents between 2020 and 2022. The majority of the time, driving while under alcohol or drugs influence is what causes collisions of this kind in traffic. Additionally, motorcyclists do not use safety equipment. A helmet was not worn by 66% of the drunk motorcycle drivers at the time of the collisions.

Among the significant causes of accidents of this nature in Texas are:

Driving recklessly, texting while driving, weaving in and out of traffic, going over the posted speed limit, and driving on dangerous roads are all examples of negligent driving.

Anyone engaged in a crash caused by the above factors must immediately contact a motorcycle accident lawyer. The attorney would describe each party’s rights and obligations.

Common Injuries and Fatalities from Motorcycle Accidents?

According to the Texas Department of Transportation, a motorcycle rider perishes daily on Texas roadways. Texas saw 412 fatal motorcycle accidents in 2019, and more than 1,800 people suffered severe injuries. According to the government, the state’s deadliest six-month period for riders is from May to October.

This is the rationale for Texas DOT’s launch of the “Share the Road: Look Twice for Motorcycles” campaign. It attempts to inform motorists and other road users that a biker’s life is at stake and that they should be extra cautious when driving.

According to safety experts, cars that make left-hand turns in front of motorcycles traveling at high speeds are more likely to be involved in motorcycle-vehicle collisions. Due to their error, they collided with the bike because they misjudged its distance and speed. About 30% of motorcycle accidents in 2019 resulted in collisions, and intersections also saw a high number of fatal motorcycle accidents.

The same year, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio saw fatal motorcycle collisions. Austin, Corpus Christi, El Paso, Lubbock, and Odessa are additionally included on the list. All of these indicate that motorcycle riders face more significant risks than drivers of passenger vehicles. So, all sides must adhere to traffic safety laws on the road.

Which Injuries from Motorcycle Accidents Happen Most Frequently?

The number of registered motorbike riders in Texas is over 350 000, according to Statista. This explains why motorbike accidents result in injuries and fatalities frequently. The fact that motorcyclists and passengers have little to no protection contributes to the seriousness of motorcycle crash injuries.

The most typical injuries caused by motorbike collisions are:

• Head injuries and traumatic brain injuries: These injuries result from motorbike accidents the most frequently. Concussions, skull fractures, contusions, and brain injuries fall under head trauma and TBI. Motorcyclists who don’t wear helmets often encounter them. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that if every motorcyclist wore a helmet, the United States could save more than $1 billion on medical expenses yearly.

• Fractures and Broken Bones: In any bike or car collision, bones are the human body most susceptible to fractures and broken bones. Those who survive an accident will likely have shattered bones or fractures, which could necessitate amputations.

• Whiplash, spinal cord injury, and neck and spine injuries are all included in this category. Whiplash sufferers frequently have lingering neck pain after their injuries. To avoid further damage it is critical to seek medical attention immediately and have a complete physical examination.

Some typical wounds include painful skin damage, road rash from the road surface, bruising, and cuts. Get medical care right once you sustain any of these wounds, and keep records of your visits. They will be helpful when filing an accident claim against a careless motorist.

Is It Possible to Prevent Motorcycle Accidents?

According to the CDC, enacting an all-encompassing helmet rule is the best approach for states to reduce fatalities and costs. This is so because wearing a helmet lowers your risk of suffering a head injury by 69% and your chance of dying by 37%.

Another option to save lives, besides wearing a helmet, is to abide by traffic safety laws that would reduce collisions—driving when not intoxicated is one of these safety recommendations. When switching lanes in a moving vehicle, the driver should glance twice and check their mirrors for blind spots.

Keeping a safe distance and slowing down would benefit drivers and motorcycle riders. In addition to being cautious when making a left turn, drivers of passenger vehicles should also avoid lane splitting and pay special attention at intersections. The avoidance of fatal motorcycle accidents and injuries can be achieved by following these safety recommendations.

Allow Shrum Law Firm to Assist You!

Motorcycle accident survivors can suffer both bodily and psychological harm. Some people never recover their previous level of quality of life. They must also satisfy their financial obligations and settle debts while coping with these issues.

It would be best if you did so to obtain compensation from the party at fault. We have a team of professionals at Shrum Law Firm ready to start the claims process and get you the right you deserve. Give us a call right away to schedule a case evaluation.