Can you sue someone for injuries sustained due to a construction accident caused by a contractor or subcontractor?

Accidents can occur even when workers are taking all the necessary precautions. In the event of a construction accident caused by negligence or other wrongdoing on behalf of a contractor, or subcontractor in general, the injured party may be entitled to compensation.

You must prove that the subcontractor or contractor was negligent, or that they committed an intentional act which caused your injury. Negligence is when a contractor or subcontractor does not act with reasonable care and causes an injury. Intentional acts are those actions that are done deliberately to harm.

To establish negligence, you must first prove that the subcontractor or contractor owed you an obligation of care. Contractors and subcontractors are responsible for providing a safe working environment to their employees and site visitors. It is important to ensure that the equipment and workers are maintained properly, as well as that safety protocols have been implemented.

The second step is to show that the contractor/subcontractor violated their duty of diligence. Breach of duty may take on many different forms, such as failure to provide the proper protective gear or equipment, failure to train workers properly, or failure implement safety protocols.

Third, you must prove that your injury was caused by the breach of duty. This means that in a construction accident, you must prove that the negligent or intentional acts of a contractor or subcontractor directly caused your injuries.

You may be entitled to compensation for your injuries if you can prove these three elements. Medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering are all possible damages.

In some cases, there may be more than one person responsible for an accident in construction. The property owner or the general contractor, for example, may be responsible for maintaining an environment that is safe. Multiple parties can be named in these situations as defendants.

It is vital to protect yourself from a construction accident by taking the following precautions:

  1. You should seek medical care immediately. Even if you are feeling fine, it’s important to get medical help as soon as possible following a construction accident. Some injuries might not be apparent for days or weeks following the accident.
  2. Report the accident. Report the incident to your supervisor or employer as soon as you can after the event. It creates an accident record and proves that the contractor was aware of the danger.
  3. Document the accident by taking pictures of any equipment or machinery that was involved. Contact any witnesses who may have witnessed the accident.
  4. Consult an experienced attorney: A personal injury lawyer can guide you through the legal process, ensuring that your rights will be protected.

If you were injured in a building accident because of the negligence or wrongdoing by a subcontractor or contractor, you could be entitled to compensation. In order to win a lawsuit you will need to prove that the subcontractor or contractor was negligent or intentionally caused your injury. In the event of a building accident, you should seek medical care immediately, document the incident, and consult with an attorney.