Brain Injury Lawyer in Austin, TX

A brain injury can occur as a result of a blow to the head. Among the leading causes of traumatic brain injuries are falls and car accidents. When a significant impact is sustained to the head, the brain can collide with the skull, leading to potential brain damage. The most frequently encountered form of brain injury is a concussion.

And if you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury, you can understand the profound impact it can have on one’s life. From the loss of work and financial stability to the toll it takes on your personal relationships, navigating the complexities of a brain injury can be overwhelming.

Depending on the severity of the brain injury, the individual may require extensive medical care, such as

  • Surgery
  • Medication
  • Hospitalization
  • Rehabilitation
  • Emergency care
  • Assistive devices (wheelchairs and walkers)
  • Assisted living or home health care


Brain injury attorneys at The Law Office of Matthew Shrum, understand the immense challenges faced by individuals who have suffered a brain injury. Our dedicated team of brain injury attorneys in Austin is here to provide compassionate support, expert legal guidance, and a relentless pursuit of justice on your behalf. We possess expertise in managing cases of severe brain injuries and are adept at optimizing the compensation our clients receive.

Types of Brain Injuries: Understanding the Impact

Accidents can lead to various types of brain injuries. Here are some common ones:

  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

TBIs are a broad category of brain injuries caused by a sudden impact, blow, or jolt to the head. They can result from various accidents such as car accidents, falls, sports-related incidents, and workplace mishaps. TBIs encompass a range of severity, from mild concussions to severe brain damage.

  • Concussion

Concussions are a type of mild TBI and are frequently associated with accidents. They occur when the brain experiences a sudden jolt or shaking within the skull. Common causes of concussions include motor vehicle accidents, sports collisions, and falls.

  • Contusion

Contusions are bruises on the brain that occur due to a direct impact on the head. Accidents involving falls, car crashes, or being struck by objects can lead to contusions. Contusions can cause localized brain damage and may require medical attention.

  • Penetrating Brain Injury

Accidents involving sharp objects, such as workplace accidents, acts of violence, or mishaps with tools or equipment, can result in penetrating brain injuries. These occur when an object penetrates the skull and damages brain tissue. Penetrating brain injuries often require immediate medical intervention.

  • Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI)

DAI is a severe brain injury commonly associated with high-speed accidents, such as car collisions or shaken baby syndrome. DAI can have severe and long-lasting effects on cognitive and neurological function.

  • Haemorrhage

A haemorrhage is uncontrolled bleeding in the brain, which can lead to significant health complications and potentially life-threatening situations if not promptly addressed. Accidents that cause head trauma, such as falls or blunt force impacts, can lead to haemorrhage.

Depending on the severity and specific location of the injury, Brain injuries can result in various complications, such as:

  • Cognitive Impairments

Brain injuries can affect cognitive abilities, such as memory, attention, concentration, problem-solving, and decision-making.

  • Physical Impairments

Individuals may experience physical impairments such as paralysis, muscle weakness, loss of coordination, balance problems, or difficulty with fine motor skills.

  • Sensory Impairments

Brain injuries can result in sensory disturbances, including vision and hearing problems, loss of smell or taste, or altered sensations.

  • Speech and Language Difficulties

Language and communication skills may be affected by brain injuries.

  • Emotional and Behavioral Changes

Brain injuries can lead to emotional and behavioral changes, including mood swings, irritability, impulsivity, anxiety, depression, aggression, or lack of motivation.

  • Seizure

Brain injuries can increase the risk of developing seizures or epilepsy.

  • Headaches and Chronic Pain

Many individuals with brain injuries experience frequent headaches or migraines and chronic pains in various parts of the body, including the head, neck, or back.

  • Sleep Disorders

Brain injuries can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to insomnia, excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep apnea, or other sleep disorders.

Secondary Medical Complications

Brain injuries often lead to paralysis which increases the risk of developing secondary medical complications such as infections, respiratory problems, blood clots, pressure sores, or other health issues.

Brain injuries not only affect the victims but also places a significant burden on their family members. Often, family members assume the responsibility of providing constant care for their loved ones with brain injuries.

This can require substantial time, effort, and emotional energy. Additionally, the financial impact of a brain injury can be overwhelming, as it often results in lost income and increased medical expenses.

At The Law Office of Matthew Shrum, we understand the challenges faced by individuals and their families in the aftermath of a brain injury caused by someone else's negligence. We are dedicated to supporting you during this difficult time and advocating for your rights. Our experienced team is committed to helping you overcome the obstacles that arise from the injury and striving to obtain the compensation you rightfully deserve.

How Can Our Austin Brain Injury Attorneys in Austin Help You?

By entrusting your case to us, you can expect compassionate and personalized legal representation. We will diligently investigate the circumstances surrounding your injury, gather evidence, and work tirelessly to build a strong case on your behalf. Our goal is to secure the financial resources needed to cover medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, and other damages resulting from the brain injury.

Comprehensive Legal Representation for Brain Injury Cases in Austin

With our deep understanding of brain injury law and extensive experience in handling complex cases, we are equipped to navigate the intricacies of your unique situation. Whether your injury was caused by a car accident, workplace incident, medical malpractice, or any other form of negligence, we are committed to holding responsible parties accountable for the harm they have caused.

Your Well-being is Our Priority

At The Law Office of Matthew Shrum, we firmly believe that your well-being is of paramount importance. We approach every case with compassion, empathy, and a genuine dedication to securing the compensation you deserve. Our team will meticulously assess the impact of your brain injury on various aspects of your life, including your ability to work, engage in daily activities, and enjoy personal relationships.

A Strong Advocate in Your Corner

We understand the complexities involved in brain injury cases, including the need for a thorough investigation, medical expertise, and persuasive legal arguments. Our attorneys will meticulously gather evidence, consult with medical professionals, and work with specialists to build a robust case. With our strong advocacy skills, we will tirelessly fight for your rights and pursue maximum compensation for medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

Compassionate Guidance Throughout the Legal Process

Navigating the legal system can be daunting, especially while dealing with the challenges of a brain injury. That's why we are committed to providing you with unwavering support and guidance at every step. Our attorneys will explain the legal process in clear terms, answer your questions, and ensure you are well-informed to make confident decisions. We will be your trusted allies, working diligently to alleviate your burdens and empowering you to focus on your recovery.

Contact Us Today for a Consultation with a Brain Injury Lawyer in Austin

If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury, don't face the aftermath alone. Brain injury attorney at The Law Office of Matthew Shrum is here to help you seek justice and fair compensation.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and let us provide the legal support and advocacy you need during this challenging time. Together, we will strive to rebuild your life and secure a brighter future. Whether you need a personal injury lawyer in Austin for a car accident, dog bite, truck accident, or workplace injury, we can help.

Call us today

Are you looking for a Brain Injury Accident Lawyer in Texas?

Mr. Shrum is a highly respected attorney who’s dealt with thousands of cases in and around Travis County. If you are in need of an attorney to help you face this unexpected situation think of Matthew’s Shrum Law Office.

If you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence or if you yourself have been charged with a crime, you need diligent legal defense. Choose The Law Office Of Matthew Shrum to partner with a trial attorney in Austin who’ll work vigorously to defend your rights at each stage of the legal process.

FAQ Brain Injury Lawyer

A brain injury lawyer is a member of the legal community who focuses on providing representation to those who have suffered traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) as a result of mishaps, carelessness, or deliberate actions. These lawyers support victims in their search for compensation for their damages.

Lawyers specializing in brain injury claims handle a wide range of situations, such as assaults, slip-and-falls, workplace mishaps, medical malpractice, and automobile accidents. They try to prove who is at fault and demand compensation for lost income, medical costs, pain and suffering, and other losses.

In addition to lost pay, medical expenditures, rehabilitation fees, and other connected damages, compensation may include pain and suffering, emotional distress, and future earning capacity. A knowledgeable brain injury attorney will evaluate your case and recommend the proper amount.

The length of time varies based on the case's intricacy, the injuries' severity, and additional variables. While some instances are resolved through talks, others might need to go to trial. Depending on the particulars of your case, a lawyer can send you an estimate.

Medical evidence is indispensable when determining the extent and consequences of brain damage. This could include diagnostic tests, expert views, medical records, and other data that show a link between the occurrence and the harm.

If the injured party cannot bring a lawsuit on their behalf, family members may be qualified to do so in some circumstances. Speak with a brain injury attorney to learn more about your unique events.

Seek prompt medical assistance, record the occurrence, speak with witnesses, and contact a brain injury attorney in Austin. Your attorney will help you navigate the court system and assess whether you have a strong case.

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